MacCarthy gives us a memorable glimpse of Morris through the eyes of the
fourteen-year-old Rudyard Kipling, who was a cousin of the Burne-Jones
children: ‘Kipling, as a child, was impressed by “Uncle Topsy”, and especially
taken with his story-telling facility, giving an account in his memoirs of a
surprise visit by Morris to the nursery when Kipling was staying with the
Burne-Joneses. “We settled ourselves
under the table which we used for a toboggan slide and he, gravely as ever,
climbed on to our big rocking horse.
There, slowly surging back and forth while the poor beast creaked, he
told us a tale full of fascinating horrors, about a man who was condemned to
bad dreams. One of them took the shape
of a cow’s tail waving from a heap of dried fish”’.
Morris, had he lived long enough, might well have taken a dim view of much of Kipling’s
own literary ‘story-telling’, and I imagine would have approved of the
recent actions of students just down the road from me at Manchester
University. Finding that their Student
Union building had been decorated, without consultation, with a mural of
Kipling’s famous poem ‘If’, they have painted over it with Maya Angelou’s
stirring anti-slavery poem ‘Still I Rise’, on the grounds that Kipling was a jingoist,
an imperialist, and dehumanised people of colour. This admirable gesture fits into a pattern of
sustained student assault on university icons of Empire, as with the continuing Oxford
campaign ‘Rhodes Must Fall’. As one of
the foremost anti-imperialist campaigners of late-Victorian England, Morris
would wholeheartedly back today’s rebellious students.