As I’ve
noticed before in this blog, it rains an awful lot in some early Morris poems –
‘The grey rain driveth all astray’ in ‘The Little Tower’, for example – and
Morris was also mightily moved by Richard Jeffries’s post-apocalyptic novel After London, in which the blocked river
Thames backs up and creates a great midland lake or sea in the heart of
England. Well, we have ourselves had
unprecedented levels of rain this winter (which has not really been a winter at
all, in any recognisable seasonal sense), and sizeable stretches of the north
of the country have turned into lakes before our very eyes. Here in Lancaster we recently had three feet
of water in the city centre, power cuts for several days and nights, and the
university had to abandon term a week early.
There is an
immediate political point to be made here, but also a longer-term apocalyptic
speculation worthy of the Jeffries novel itself. We know that this Tory government, and its
coalition predecessor, has shamefully neglected flood defences in the north, in
contrast to the south-west and the midlands. Commentators like Owen Jones and
George Monbiot have powerfully enforced this case in their recent columns. No wonder David Cameron has been heckled on his
patronising ‘green-wellie’ trips up this way to inspect the damage, and the
Chancellor’s ‘northern power-house’ rhetoric has been exposed as the sham it
longer-term point here resides in the fact that climate change is on us much
quicker and more radically than we ever thought it would be; it’s not going to
get any better, and may well accelerate further. In which case, we may just possibly be seeing
the beginnings of a process whereby certain areas of the north of England may
ultimately have to be abandoned as uninhabitable. That’s a thought we are already used to in
terms of British coastal erosion – we may now have to get used to it for certain inland territories too. Morris
himself depicted a truly watery world in his late romance The Waters of the Wondrous Isles, but even its heroine Birdalone
doesn’t want to live amidst water all the time.